Patricia Craig Johnson --- Searching for My Ancestors --- Sharing My Life Stories

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Life In Business Cards?

As I was sorting some more "things" I found my oldest business card from my time at AMF Head Ski Division
when I was Patricia A Meier. Oh my, that was a LONG time ago, and a special time in my life that I look back at with deep feeling. Someday I will tell you about that time. At any rate, I also had my HP business card and the ones of my "after work" life. It dawned in me that a good deal of my life is symbolized by these cards -- so why not share them. There is all sorts of documentation for a history, so why not business cards.

Of course, the first half of my life did not require that I have a card to hand someone to identify myself. That time was simpler and the activities of a daughter, wife, and mother of two daughters was the extent of my credentials. That was the greatest career of my life, but later I had to earn money so I entered the work force and began my education in the field of "wage earner". I wouldn't trade any of my experiences and I feel blessed to have had a wonderful, varied, and interesting life.

I learned from the other solderers at Midwec Manufacturing, customers I waited on at Henry's Market, the other spud speckers at Ore-Ida, the ski bums at Head Ski, the statistical, exact, and normal folks at Hewlett Packard. I have not listed nearly all of my teachers, but these are a few of them.

Its fun to reflect as I look at my history of business cards. Most of my past didn't need them, but those experiences are equally important. Later, patj

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a fun way to look back at where you have been. When I graduated from college, mom made me a quilt with all my addresses and phone numbers on it. I am so glad she did.

It is good to see you doing well!
