Patricia Craig Johnson --- Searching for My Ancestors --- Sharing My Life Stories

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Friday, November 19, 2010

A Chance Passing 19 November 2010

Today illustrates what Richard Bach says in    "Illusions". Sometimes people are drawn into our space for just a few moments and then they move on. While waiting for my truck to be repaired today I decide to walk to the Post Office and get my mail. The day was sunny, brisk and beautiful.  A perfect "walking" day.  As I left the Post Office I decided to not follow the regular way home but cut across back yards and alleys and the back lot of the 1st National Bank. 

As I cut thru the bank lot and I was getting ready to cross Mason Street I saw a pile of clothing on the lawn a few feet away from where I was crossing.  I stopped and wondered if someone had thrown their coat and backpack away -- or thrown someone else's coat and backpack away. 

As I stood there I saw that it was a man laying on the grass, totally out to the World.  About that time a young lady walked along the sidewalk and we started talking and both wondered if he was asleep, or worse, was he dead?  After standing there a few minuites she asked if we should call for help for him.  I have a cellphone -- but why I don't know, as I never have it with me when I need it.  She had hers and called 911.  After a long conversation with the dispatcher she said they were sending help.  Another young lady and her little white poodle came walking along and stopped to see what was going on. 

Meanwhile this fellow was sleeping like a baby in the midst of strangers standing there staring at him, talking to him and trying to wake him up.  If only the majority of folks could sleep that soundly they would be extremely grateful.  I have the feeling that the young lady with the poodle was possibly homeless herself, but she was friendly and interested in helping the man.  She was a nice young lady.  She thanked the cell phone lady for helping a stranger.

We all waited until help arrived and it was just a few minutes before the fire truck and ambulance were there. They were trying to wake him when I decided to move on and continue home.

We all three bid each other goodbye.  We will never see each other OR the homeless man again, but for a brief few minutes we shared our space with each other.  It was a beautiful day and the incident just added to the fact that we are all in this thing together.  This thing called LIFE.

PS- The picture above is not the actual man. Thanks to Google I can find an image of ANYTHING and put it on my blog.   patj

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