Pat’s DAR Diary
18 January 2011
A Visit from MANY American Heroes – Friday’s Council Tree Meeting
We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect January afternoon than Tuesday January 18, 2011. Considering that a week ago it was so bitter cold a person barely wanted to venture outside, this was a marvelous day. There was bright sun, warm temps, and a wonderful welcoming aura inside the United Methodist Church in Windsor, Colorado.
45 people gathered together, (35 members and 10 guests) assembled here to hear Major General Stephen Abt, US Army.
What a privilege it was to hear the Major General speak to us. His presentation compared modern Soldiers with Soldiers of yesterday. How technologically savvy our young service people are and the challenges they face in adjusting to Army life. His message was an optimistic one about the future of our country and the young men and women that protect us.
Major General Abt also described his experiences in rebuilding the infrastructure of Iraq starting in 2006. How the government is considered a Democracy for now, but not a Democracy as we necessarily define it. That fragile as it may be, he feels that it will succeed and has great hope for the future there. Needless to say, the room listened very attentively to our distinguished guest. We gave him a standing ovation.
After the program was concluded, the chapter Regent asked all other veterans in the room to stand. Several spouses accompanied their DAR wives to the meeting today and it was wonderful to welcome them. It was moving to see so many men stand and we gave them a hearty round of applause. Another special guest was the Commander of Windsor’s American Legion Post Forbes-McKay Post 109. We enjoyed his report of what their post does for returning and older veterans in the area. Friday’s Council Tree Chapter will be partnering with the American Legion in a Memorial Day observance in May.
Of course, the usual DAR business was conducted and the Chapter voted for the Delegates and Alternates that will represent Friday’s Council Tree at the Colorado State Conference and at Continental Congress.
Thanks to one of our members for sharing the story of her patriot, Perrin Cardwell. This is one of the nicest features of our meetings. I love to hear their stories – and they are each a wonderful and different story. Need I tell you that I love our ancestors? Our little chapter has 105 different patriots. That is amazing for a chapter only 63 strong. That number is amazing as well, since we started with only 16 members two years ago. Am I prejudiced? Oh noooo.
Thanks to the hostesses for the wonderful table of refreshments. This is a big job and is greatly appreciated by all. patj
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