Today is Sunday, December 28, 2014. It is 10:45 am. Two weeks ago on Sunday, December 14, 2014 at this very same time, Cindy, my oldest daughter, was entering the Valley of the Shadow of Death. The surgeons at University Hospital, in Aurora, Colorado were starting her second surgery in three days. For three hours I waited, not leaving the phone for a minute. Finally at 1:30 I got the call that Cindy had survived a surgery not many would have survived.
There is no reason to go into detail of the surgery itself. It was necessary to keep her alive. The surgery meant she had a very tough road ahead of her, but at least she had a chance to survive. Cindy had gone to the hospital on Monday, December 8 and is still there today December 28.
This brings me to the subject of "Angels". Do I believe in angels? Absolutely. Can I see angels? No, but I can sense and feel their presence. Would I want to live in a world without angels? Never. Did I ever see them? No, I don't need to see to believe. Do I need to know who they are? No. Do I trust angels to do Heavenly Father's bidding? Yes. I think you get the picture, I am an angel fan club of the first order, and I am thanking them in public.
If you have read this, hopefully you will agree with me that life without angels would be very dangerous. Hopefully, you are now a member of my angel fan club. Patj
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