I am so blessed to have so many outlets for my passion of speaking about genealogy. Since my last report on March 13, I have been very busy. I want to catch my readers up on the latest adventures.
Pictured is the wonderful iLearn Lab in the Loveland Public Library. This was the location of the Family Search Workshop I had the pleasure of conducting on March 28, 2015. 15 eager students registered for the workshop and the room was a buzz of activity. I presented an hour Power Point to show them the way and then they were on their own to play with the wonderful website. I had three volunteer helpers to help the students if they had questions about the wedbsite. Thanks to Sharon, Kathy and Debbie. George, former Larimer County Genealogical Society Education Chair, was there to help as well, although he was partaking as a student today. It was a very successful workshop. The evaluation sheets were very positive for feedback. The Larimer County Genealogical Society may decide to repeat this workshop soon. Of course, I was exhausted both physically and mentally by the end of the three hours. But I am pleased to report that it is an experience I thoroughly enjoyed.
One week later, on April 4, 2015 I facilitated the first of two Intermediate Genealogy classes for LCGS. This one was held at the Council Tree Library Community Room in Fort Collins. Thirty people attended this class. It was an excellent group and there was a lot of interaction among all of us. This picture is not of my class, but it is of the Community Room in the library. Another three hour class that was most enjoyable. The Council Tree Library shares the corner with Panera Bread, and of course, I couldn't resist the temptation of having lunch there before heading home. Delicious 1/2 cheese panini and green salad. This was a beautiful April Saturday and the day before Easter. I was pleased that thirty people chose to share it with me in this class. Stay tuned for further adventures, Patj
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