Patricia Craig Johnson --- Searching for My Ancestors --- Sharing My Life Stories

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Friday, December 7, 2007

2007 Annual Genealogy Report

I am busy reviewing my genealogical research for 2007. Each month I keep notes about what I accomplished, how I did it and who I talked to. I then write an Annual Genealogy Report. Mainly, this is for me to have a record of my progress. I started doing it in 1993, so my first three years are lost to time. It is a nice project and lets me reflect on what I have done and what I have neglected to follow up on. I hope someday to have an index to it. That is one of my projects for next year. It is fun to look at the different reports and remember the variety of word processors I have used since 1993. My very first word processor had a capability to save to a floppy disc and I thought that was the best technology in the world! I bought it for $300 at Best. Not Best Buy -- Best. That was a big store in Fort Collins that was a catalog center as well. I could not imagine not having a Best Store in town, but it is gone now and Bed Bath & Beyond is in that spot. How soon we forget when the "new kid" moves onto the block. Same with word processors. Now 14 years later, I can barely remember the computers I have had. Each one more powerful than the last one. I guess there is genealogy about all sorts of things, not just people. December is usually my catch up month, so I will probably not accomplish much in research.

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